Dr. Evil

Dr. Evil

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Well, NANOWRIMO is here once again.

Fountain Pen On WriterBefore anybody goes off and says, it's NANOWRIMO, what in the world are you doing writing a blog post?  You should be writing something else!!!  Well, I've done my word count for the day, thank you very much.

For those of you who are scrunching your noses and saying, what's NANOWRIMO, well, let me tell you.

NANOWRIMO:  NAtional NOvel WRiting MOnth.

The goal is to write and write during the month of November in order to complete an entire novel.  In 30 days.  That's correct.  One month to a novel. And it's totally do-able.

For anybody out there who ever wanted to write, NANO is a great time to just sit down and do it.  There's lots of way to NANO as well.  Some people like to prepare in the few months before.  They sit down and create an entire outline, plotting out each act and how much time or words it will take to complete each section.  Others are what we call "pansters", those that just sit down and type, knowing that their imagination and the keyboard will create something in the end.

I'm probably somewhere in the middle.  Yeah, I have an idea.  I don't like starting anything unless I have the beginning, a few things in the middle, and the end.  It must have an end before I start.  I keep an outline in the form of a playlist on my iPOD. The playlist may change throughout the course of the story, but I helps keep my story line focused.

Trust me when I say, anybody can do this, but you have to have discipline.  My daily goal is to have 1500-3000 words per day.  And I just write.  I save the editing for later.  That's what revisions are for.  So, just sit down and do it.

I've participated in NANO for the last three years and I love the challenge.  I'm not competing officially with anybody but myself.  But I know that I will have a complete manuscript by the end of November, something else that I can work and shape into something that I can submit for publishing.  This year I'm working on Book 3 of a series that I totally love.  Hopefully it will be available in the future for anybody to read.  With 13 finished manuscripts in the vault, there are a lot to choose from.

So, happy NANOWRIMO to everyone who is participating this year.

Write on.  Sincerely,
Dr. Evil

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My favorite places for ghost hunting

Well, it has been some time since I last was able to post anything.  Hope you all are still awake out there.  So I thought I would start this new round of blogs with an old favorite for all:

My favorite haunted locations!

Click for OptionsI would like to share this with you in honor of my upcoming trip to Deadwood, South Dakota for a hopefully fruitful trip.  These are some of the few places I've visited/investigated.  Most of them are museums and in tourist locations, but some will provide excellent night time tours that I highly recommend for at least the fun factor and the history that goes with it.  Here we go (and I threw in a few pics for fun; sorry, nothing of paranormal note on any of them, those ones are for my private collection!):

5)  Anybody's personal home:  I start with this one, and I leave it a little vague for a reason.  My interest in the paranormal began in my own home, and I have investigated some homes that are far more interesting than many of the tourist attractions.  I will not give any names to protect the identity of those who have asked for my help or input, but some of my best video and audio evidence has come from private homes.  Even if I don't end up with any solid evidence of spirit activity, I can usually provide relief to some of these people by demonstrating that this noise or that sound can be caused from very normal and everyday things.

Here's a word of advice for anybody out there who is interested in having their home investigated:  it makes our job a lot easier and you will be much more satisfied with your results when you can leave the home while we do our investigation.  Too many people present during any of the investigation can cause a lot of background noise, and it becomes too difficult to identify what is normal and what might be paranormal.  Wouldn't you be disappointed if there was a disembodied voice on a recording, but we had to throw out the evidence because it was contaminated by too many people moving around?  There may be a point during the investigation when it is appropriate for you to return to the home and be a part of the investigation, but for the best results, let the investigators tell you when that would be.

4)  Fort Ticonderoga:  In upstate New York, this place was really remarkable.  Although only able to investigate during regular operating, daylight hours, this location was still full of good stuff.  The museum is a treasure trove of excellent history too, for all you Revolutionary War history buffs.  The buildings are plenty eerie, even in the daytime.

3)  Fort William Henry:  Also in upstate New York along Lake George, this place provided a night time ghost tour.  I obtained some very unique and unusual K2 activity in the center courtyard.  I got some great photographic evidence in the cellar as well as some spontaneous movement of objects while I was down there.  Super great place for the history of it.

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Click for Options2)  Gettysburg:  Easily one of the most spiritually active places that I have ever been.  First of all, you can't go anywhere around there were you don't feel a hundred unseen eyes watching you.  I spent 3 days there by myself, just wandering all over the battlefields, snapping a hundred pics.  I stayed in a bed and breakfast that was established what used to be an old farmhouse that had been converted into the first field hospital on the first day of the battle.  I was able to stay in old part of the building, in a room that had once been the operating room where doctors would amputate limbs and toss them out the window.  I investigated the B&B as well and got some of the best audio that ANYBODY has ever recorded in an investigation.  I sat my audio recorder out on an old mantle in my room, went to bed and fell asleep while the device recorded 3 solid minutes of somebody walking around my room on hard wood floors, moving furniture around, all while wearing some pretty heavy boots.  Pretty good stuff.  I also recommend spending some quality time up at Culp's Hill and the covered bridge.  Excellent locations for feeling a really creepy vibe.  Also, a shout out to Miss Betty!  Her tour is the best.

Click for OptionsClick for Options1)  Birdcage Theater:  Located in Tombstone, Arizona, this is my long time favorite place to visit.  The Birdcage never disappoints.  They provide a nighttime ghost tour, and I have gone so many times, that some of our experiences are now part of the walking tour.  A big moment occurred for us, on the third time I had visited, and Nova (awesome tour guide) let me wander ahead since she knew me and knew I was well versed in the location.  I began with my K2 and headed back behind the stage when I saw 5 large items from the museum strangely arranged in front of the stairwell going down to the high-stakes poker rooms in the basement.  Nova came around and immediately called the owners, which was something she was supposed to do anytime there is any unusual activity in the location.  That night, our group including Nova and the owners had a great lights-out session with audio and K2.  Even got a woman's voice on the recording.  Love this place and it will always be the top of my list.

I also need to give an Honorable Mention to Virginia City and Nevada City in Montana.  Excellent locations with great history attached to them.

Click for OptionsI'm hoping to make some new stops along my tours.  Having moved to Montana, I am now interested in the ghost town of Garnet and would like to make a visit to the old prison at Deer Lodge.

Here's to a great summer for investigating.  On to Deadwood!