Dr. Evil

Dr. Evil

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Doctor Evil is in

Image result for doctorWell, it's been a while since the last blog, and so much has happened on this side of the computer. A move and change of practices has kept me busy. And so has submitting my latest manuscript. Book 3 of the Angel Blade series is now in the hands of my publisher and now we must wait for release later this spring. So you have something to look forward to when Archangel arrives.

In the meantime, I have been frequently asked by other writers for assistance in writing an appropriate "medical" scene. I appreciate any writer in his/her endeavor to get it right. There are so many books and shows/movies that simply get the scene wrong, and that really turns me in the wrong direction. For me, it is difficult to continue reading or watching something where the writing was clearly not intent on doing it correctly.

For example, how often do you see the dramatic scene where someone "flat-lines" and the medical personnel whip out the old "shock paddles" and apply a profound jolt to someone's chest? Exciting, yes. But wrong. First of all, we don't call it "flat-lining" (it's called asystole -- A-cyst-o-lee) and it's not treated by a shock to the chest. Appropriate resuscitation is done with IV drugs and CPR. But just think about it: how often do you see or read that? All it would take is for one writer to ask anybody with knowledge of cardiac life support how it should really go.

And further more, nobody uses the massive chest paddles anymore. AED (automatic external defibrillators) are found in every ambulance, ER, and almost everywhere else these days. They are composed of a digital device connected by two sticky pads that are applied to the patient's chest. The device reads the rhythm and provides the appropriate shock if and when it is needed. The giant paddles are so 20 years ago!

If you are a writer, please don't hesitate to ask if something is right, no matter what it is. As a doctor myself, I am always willing to help out and answer questions when it comes to a medical matter. You can just message me right here. I'm also available on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I want you to get it right!!!

As always,
an apple a day tastes good!